Monday, 31 August 2020


Super M's Tiger Inside's MB was supposed to be premiered at 1PM this afternoon
but while it was premiering
the MV became private

original post: here

1. Is that some kind of noise marketing.... I can't think of anything else at this pointㅋㅋ .. Damn it..

2. At this rate it has to be for noise marketing...? If this isn't on purpose, shouldn't they fire all the employees at their office? Imagine if a normal office cannot even keep up with their schedule, just how much of a mess we would be in

3. They make typos in their own artists' names at least several times in a year and they can't even keep up with their own schedule, just why are they so bad with fundamentals like that?

4. Even small agencies don't get it wrong that many timesㅋㅋㅋ

5. What marketing?ㅋㅋㅋ Do you think that this sounds like a good marketing plan?ㅋㅋㅋ They keep releasing leaked footage of their own MVs and dropping cuts here and there, and you think that this will help them boost their views? ㅋㅋ

6. But if this was really not on purpose, are they making way too many mistakes? Until now, they kept pushing back their release date and now they're going to release their things half a day earlier too... You can make those mistakes once or twice, but this many times, we're talking about something else..

7. You can say that you suck at work, but it makes no sense to say that you're doing this on purpose..

8. I seriously don't understand why it's necessary to do this...?

9. Their views are all flying away so to say that this is on purpose is...

10. Freaking hilarious, they're always talking about pushing back the dates but this time, they decided to release it way ahead of timeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Wow this is too much. Why are they always releasing things so sloppily

11. Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they really can't get it right

12. Again???? Why is SM like that

13. They just f*ckign can't do it, why does it happen every time? Does the person in charge not take the ownership at all?

14. They're making a mistake on purpose


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