Tuesday, 15 September 2020



Why is her makeup like that?;;;

post response:
original post: here

1. [+96, -58]
I feel like Jang Wonyoung only fits a limited array of styles. She suits idol makeup the most. Anything else is a no-no

2. [+83, -5]
Wow as expected of VOGUE... Aren't they known for having weird pictorials?

3. [+77, -2]
VOGUE magazine's styling are always like that... so you're just writing that to bash the members' looks huh;;

4. [+27, -2]
Wow but every time there's a post praising her, it's always filled with kids calling them rigged and when there's a negative post about her, they just shut their mouth and make sarcastic comments about her.. you guys are disgusting

5. [+26, -10]
VOGUE, what are you doing to Wonyoungie?.. she's still pretty though

6. [+21, -6]
Isn't Kim Minjoo so pretty? 


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