Friday, 30 October 2020


These are evidences that Chanyeol's pictures were not edited
I find it weird that people believed that they were edited in the first place;
I feel like people who don't really know these pictures would believe this so I brought proofs
They were saying how the picture on the right was the original photo
But the shadows and the direction of the light source are all different
Even the hat logo and the folds on the beanie are different. So were each element edited separately?

"Left: dried flowers, red flowers
Right: white, pink
Color of the wrapping"

Also, the flowers that Suho had and the ones that he had on his 790 days were not the same
They were saying how these were fake but since the dates between the time Suho received his flowers and the 790 days were different, of course the flowers would be different

They also said that it was fake because of the white rim, 
but depending on the refraction of the light in the room, it looks like a fine line because the place where the light is reflecting on is thin
So the selca on the right is also fake?

With out-focusing, the curved areas will be lit in a thin rim
If you increase the clarity of used HDR, you can edit the colors and see the rim even more clearly.

His tattoo is showing in the bouquet picture
He has the same tattoo in the Christmas and the bouquet pictures

Someone took his Christmas picture with the back camera
I think that there's a high chance that he took the bouquet picture with the front camera

You can know this because the tattoo position is reversed in the two pictures

Also, the lettering of the "790 days" is obviously not reversed since they are in the opposite direction from Chanyeol and turned forward
So of course we will see the letters the way they are~

"This is that"

"This is that"

If you're gonna edit a picture, who would edit "790 days"?

He has the same hair and t-shirt on his Christmas picture
Then with whom would he celebrate his Christmas with and who took the picture..?? (T/N: in Korea, Christmas is more seen like an event for couples)

The composition of his kitchen is the same

All the pictures that were posted of his house background and angles were almost he first ones ever seen up until now?
Then you're telling me that someone invaded his house and took these pictures in order to edit these..???

post response:
original post: here

1. [+415, 0]
This post seriously shuts down all his annoying fans

2. [+348, 0]
The fact that we have this post is hilarious. He's not even giving us one clarification even though he's getting all the hate and we don't know whether he's able to promote in the future or not. At this point, if you still believe that all of this is fake, you must seriously think that he's your religion or something

3. [+258, 0]
This will go to the featured talks real soon since there are still kids shielding him

4. [+145, -1]
You don't even need to explain these pictures so assiduouslyㅋㅋ the fact that "there is no official stance" = the pictures are realㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+70, 0]
If these are edited, this unnie needs to be scouted by the FBI

6. [+60, -]
It's f*cking funny how you said that someone invaded his house in secret just to make edits of the picsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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