Sunday, 15 November 2020

[teen stories] WOW DID THIS PERSON GO ON A DIET..?


This is a picture that Beauty Talk posted and she became f*cking pretty, is it due to diet? That f*cking stimulates me to do it 

post response:
original post: here
1. [+205, -3]
This is the original picture, the picture in the post was edited to make her look like she has Korean makeup?? But she definitely suits natural makeup more than the strong makeup they gave her in the movie 

2. [+199, -2]
This is her with Risabae's makeup, she's so pretty here

3. [+103,- 5]
But the styling also makes a huge difference

4. [+80, -31]
Wow it looks like she has no more fat to lose 

5. [+67,- 2]
But that was this actress' IG post and she looks the same?? That's one day ago

6. [+58, -0]
That's not due to diet, because this picture under is an even older picture!! It's the styling that makes the differenceㅎㅎ  she's pretty 


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