Thursday, 17 December 2020


 This is the top10 Netflix show in Korea for December 18th 

The Uncanny Counter, AOT

Knowing Bro,  Start-up

You Came From The Stars, Love Naggers

100 Days My Prince, Alice

Goblin, (not sure about the title)

"It's ranked #2 in Korea today"

The new season came out and it will be updated every Wednesday. On Friday and Saturday it seems to have disappeared from the top, but this week it rose to top 2. 

+ I'm only writing this article because I found it interesting that a Japanese anime is in the higher tops

original post: here

1. I'm so enjoying the show, rather than taking it as Japan VS Korea, I see it more as Israel VS Palestine

2. I'm waiting to binge everything when it's done

3. Looks like the logic behind people watching it is just because they watch it for funㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Interesting 

4. This show is seriously so fun, I strongly recommend 

5. If you don't want to watch it, then just draw the line here, why do you have to call people watching it pigs and stuff like that?

6. You freaking pigs, why do you insist that this isn't right wing when the author himself is a freaking right wing?

7. Even if it wasn't right wing, this show is just freaking boring, I don't understand why people watch it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. I can't believe that there are still people believing that that Twitter account wasn't from the writer when he was spilling so much sh*t on it, he almost cancelled himself? Anyone could tell that this was the author, he even leaked the teaser himself before it was outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I know that this manga is such a huge hit in Korea but when this controversy broke out, so many otakus inn Korea left the fandom, do you think that they left without a reason?

9. I even heard one of the Korean programs use AOT's opening song for one of their previewsㅎㅎ 

10. There are so many people who would watch stuff like this just for fun, whether it's AOT or Mr. Queen, kids who are watching these shows are just hopeless


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