Sunday, 27 December 2020


They've been planning for 4 months. 
This will be the first celebrity 3D screen 
They will hold this in NY Time Square and Seoul Coex
This support will be on December 30th for his birthday
They're also doing an ad in Dubai's Burj Khalifa 

It will loo like this 

Samsung Coex

NY Time Square

I wonder how it will come out 

original post: here

1. Hul this is totally cool, it's crazyㄷㄷ I really want to see this in real life 

2. Wow how can you do this with a person? I'm curious 

3. Wow I'm so curious as to how they'll pull this off 

4. Wow I'm impressed, I'm curious about the 3D video 

5. They're serioulsy daebakㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. But seriously who are the people who make up the bar? Their supports are always so overwhelming 

7. Wow daebak daebak the scale is crazy. I'm curious to see how the ad will come out 

8. They're always doing so many pretty things. I'm happy that they're receiving a lot of attention 

9. V's birthday supports are always impressive, but this is a worldwide festival this year. I'm so looking forward 

10. I seriously wonder what those people do in real life... This isn't something that cost a trivial amount of money or can be planned easily... 


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