Tuesday, 5 January 2021



"Recomment me anything"
"NCT I'm seriously a fan, please tell Haechan I love him"
TY: Ok...ㅋㅋ

Why would you ask that to Taeyeon.. In real life, she would probably skip those kids or i-roaches questions

post response:
original post: here

1. [+228, -3]
We have the same bias, but I want to hit her so bad

2. [+211, -3]
Look at Taeyeon's responseㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ugh me too I would've been like "so what?"

3. [+194, -3]
Imagine how dumbfounded she was to release this publicly. If she received a question like that in real life, I bet she would've been so hurt 

4. [+149, -4]
What crime did Haechan commit 

5. [+122, -21]
I'm surprised Taeyeon even released this 

6. [+72, -5]
Why are people calling the fans "ignorant-tizens" here?ㅋㅋ Is this how people generalize them?

7. [+58, -69]
The ignorant-tizens at it again ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+49, -44]
Does she really not expect that when she asks "Ask me anything"? There's gonna be all kinds of questions, and she knows clearly that she should just skip questions like that, but the way she still decides to expose this is quite childish


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