Monday, 15 February 2021


Because of YouTube's algorithm, I saw a video from 2011-2012? IAC ..
(1. Jiyeon 2. Hyorin 3. Aji(?) 4. Ha Jooyeon 5. Bora 6. NS Yoonji)

It was a sprint among 2nd gen female idols 

Jiyeon wore a white name tag and white t-shirt. She's bad at running so she was running last

But Sistar's  Bora collapsed at the finish line and Jiyeon came running to her from behind

Look at her taking care of Bora, she's so sweet... I was wondering what kind of video this was and ended up falling for Jiyeon...

Even though the old videos' quality are shitㅠㅠㅠ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+172, -1]
Wasn't this a famous gif? As an Uena, I'm thankful for Jiyeon

2. [+88, -2]
The hate comments towards Jiyeon during 2011~2014 were f*cking severe. The people on Pann would know. The sexual comments, hate towards her looks, curses towards her parents, rumors, etc. were seriously so f*cking severe. I'm impressed that she endured through all of that..ㅜㅜ Jiyeon is super pretty butㅜ I'm sad to see that there are still a few people hating on here from time to time ㅜ

3. [+51, -2]
There was a pic in the comments below... I wanted to post it. Jiyeon really seems nice. Back then, she gifted her drama's staffs Balenciaga shoes and gifted the actors expensive tumblers. I saw it on Instagram back then

4. [+45, 0]
Jiyeon's famous 'saved-as-a-non-fan-gif'ㅋㅋㅋ It's so heart fluttering how she removed her sunglasses to take a picture with the kid and her face is even more heart fluttering

5. [+39, 0]
This was from the drama 'I Wanna Hear Your Song'! Young and rich and pretty..
"Seriously the best, I'll wear it well"


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