Friday, 12 February 2021


NCT's Yuta is a Japanese member. Last year, he got into a controversy for hanging out with a problematic Youtuber. 
And after that controversy, he wore this tshirt. The tshirt is a collaboration clothing that a Japanese Youtuber called Crafter Mercury did with a Japanese online shop. 
But the meaning behind what's written on that tshirt on the online shop is that Shinramyeon's is that the Shin doesn't mean "spicy" but "happiness". They wrote "It's like drinking with a Korean girl at night and she asks you "should we go grab ramyun together?" "How happy will you be?" That's the Korean dream"

original post: here

1. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the sexual harassment meaning behind this 

2. People shielding this are crazy. Do you think that Japanese people can't read Japanese?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Stop making things up 

3. People really pay 6600 yen for this? And it was also sold out? 

4. No but if you got into a controversy once, shouldn't you be more careful...? I'm always surprise when I see him in a controversy... 

5. I'm seriously not a fan but how can he know the meaning of thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. I really wonder what NCT is made out ofㅋㅋ

7. Please be more conscious of what Koreans think if you have any tact

8. Anti Korea: doesn't withdraw
DUI: doesn't withdraw
Drugs: core fandom remains 
Dating: F*cking bast*rd

9. To be honest, the meaning behind this tshirt is f*cking bad. But if he received the tshirt as a gift, he might've not saw the website so he probably didn't know the meaning behind it. He still needs to apologize

10. I really hope that there are no other countries like us who are this racist against its own people. Are there any other countries like us? Japan and China are both super patriotic and proud of their countries


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