Thursday, 18 February 2021


Don't mind your skin tone or warm or cool tone, just write down the kind of hair you want to try...
For me, it's the hush cut, secret two-tone (see pic below) and bob cut. I saw a video on YouTube on how to style a bob cut with a straightener and it was freaking pretty...

post response:
original post: here

1. [+255, -5]
To be honest, I f*cking want to try shaving my head

2. [+103, -4]
Hippie perm

3. [+95, -25]
I want to try the refreshing short cut that Japanese girls have..... It' kinda gives off that faint aura that's unique to Japanese girls. I really want to try it.... But it will be a waste to cut my hair so I can't bring myself to do it. I want to do it so much that I even dreamed of getting this hair cut

4. [+63, 0]
The balayage hair that westerners or gyopos do a lot

5. [+47, -4]
I wanna do Tomotomo Yoo In's hair ㅠㅜㅜ 

6. [+46, -6]
This Japan'st short cut ㅠㅠ I think that there are a lot of girls with short hair in Japan since short hair gives you an innocent image there but if a girl cut their hair short in our country, I'm scared that people will call her "Megal" or "sh*tty feminist" (T/N: megal = derogatory term for feminist, usually used to describe extreme feminists)

7. [+44, 8]
Lee Youngji's hair... the hair color is seriously pretty, it looks like a rainbow. I'll go to the hair dresser with the picture 

8. [+34, -2]
I wanna try hippie perm and choppy bangs

9. [+25, -2]
Taeyeon's recent hair...


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