Tuesday, 16 March 2021


I saw this and was so confused

For reference, the comment above was a comment made by the unnie of the victim (the exposer) on her Naver blog.

"@ggyu ggyu, Ggyu Ggyu-nim~ I'm sorry but... Since when did the homeroom teacher and the alumni said that they didn't know about the informal school violence committee?? When we met with (Soojin) that time, even Soojin acknowledged that they held a school violence committee for her and we were talking about it but it seems like right now, she's saying that this is a false fact.."

post response:
original post: here

1. [+302, -5]
She remembers the school violence committee but doesn't remember the school violence?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+279, -5]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what's intriguing about the people who are staying neutral is that even if they were, they would f*cking make a fuss towards the victim

3. [+247, -7]
At the time of the face-to-face meeting, the unnie had a recorder + was accompanied by a lawyer so the possibility of her lying is low

4. [+88, -1]
I'm a '95 liner and at that time, people really didn't open any school violence committee. In the worst case possible, even if it was really severe, the parents would be called and they would resolve things like that. Issues like school violence wasn't really discussed socially at that time

5. [+64, -1]
No but how dumbfounded was she when she saw the featured post made by the Soojin fangirls (T/n: 시녀 = maid/slave, it's a derogatory term used for fangirls/boys)? Seriously, she must have hated it to death. Her fans were bullsh*tting among themselves and were mass upvoting the post and were all happy thinking that they changed the general public's sentiment. Disgusting

6. [+58, 0]
She has the recording and was with her lawyer. So you can assume that there's no possibility of her lying ㅋㅋㅋ She probably insured herself thinking that Cube might deny everything until the end..

7. [+52, 0]
Is it still Hong Chul's team without Hong Chul? (T/N: Mudo reference) In the same way, they had a school violence committee, but no school violence


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