Sunday, 7 March 2021


 She mentions getting sexually assaulted by a sunbae
It's someone famous that if she mentioned the name, everyone would know (t/n: She said he wasn't a celebrity but he's popular in her 'area')

post response:
original post: here

1. [+312, -10]
She only mentioned this briefly, the main point of her IG live was that AOA was media playing about how they apologized and acknowledged [the bullying] but she's never received an apology from Jimin and Seolhyun from the company. She's still tormented and said she'll be suing the hate comments

2. [+279 -11]
So the sex offender apologized to her and she forgave him? That's the most shocking 

3. [+175, -24]
I hope she stops doing IG lives and just get psychological treatment 

4. [+133, -2]
Mina talked about this situation and said that the perpetrator apologized to her and she forgave him 

5. [+131, -12]
Ha.. Please take down your post... Do you really want to do this to a victim of sexual assault...? And she talked about how a popular commoner was the one who sexually assaulted her, but she got an apology, she also got the apology from the company but never from Jimin and Seolhyun. And people are saying in the comments that Seolhyun was only the bystander, why include her? Mina said that when Jimin was saying things to her, Seolhyun would also say a few words on her side. She's not a bystander but was also active in this. Just go watch the live for yourself 


1. The man wasn't a celebrity, it's someone that if she mentions the name, everyone in her area would know about because he's popular

2. If you watched the live, you'd know but she's not doing it to talk about that. She's doing her live to mention that as long as you apologize, she's able to forgive you. Jimin and Seolhyun never apologized. 

original post: here

1. I'm not a Seolhyun fan, but Seolhyun didn't do anything yet she's getting so much hate
> Isn't she amazing for being mentioned in a suicide note even if she didn't do anything? Everyone shielding Seolhyun should know this. The more you're like this, the more people won't forget. 
Shin Jimin, Han Sungho, Kim Seolhyun [...] Those people are all trashes beyond words. Do they not know that they're the ones who are driving a perfectly normal person to their death? 

2. Mina fighting, I hope she finds happiness

3. To everyone desperately trying to save Seolhyun, you guys are so pitiful. She doesn't even have any talent

4. Is apologizing this hard? I really hope they apologize for Mina soon

5. So this is why the comments were going crazy after Seolhyun's pictorial was posted today 

6. Seolhyun's name was mentioned in this too but why does she get to promote as if nothing happened? 

7. People who think that Seolhyun was a mere bystander are way too ignorant? In Mina's suicide note, she's lumping her as the same as the rest of the people. You guys are just being merciful to her because she's the most popular member. She definitely didn't do "nothing" in thisㅋㅋ

8. So she never got an apologyㅠㅠ

9. ㅠㅠㅠ She wouldn't have developed so many personal issues if only they apologizedㅜㅜ It's already been more than a year

10. I watched her live and she seems so lonely, my heart hurts for her. She must receive the apology 


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