Monday, 5 April 2021


T/N: we didn't really follow this closely. According to the timeline of the Naver news, the first interview with A and the rebuttal of the company were posted at 9AM, this one was posted at 2PM (revised at 4PM). 

On the 5th, Kim, who alleged that she had suffered school violence in high school, will be suing Park Chorong, the leader of girl group A Pink.

On this day, Kim's legal representative made a call with Financial News, saying, "I think the reaction of the company is a second offense." It is reported that Kim's side will sue Park Chorong today.

Kim, who claimed to be an elementary school classmate with Park Chorong, claimed that while attending different high schools, she accidentally met Park Chorong in a street alley and was subjected to collective assault. As a result, Park Chorong's agency, Play M Entertainment, announced that they would sue her due to "clear attempt to harm" Chorong. 

Kim's legal representative said, "Because this case is more than 10 years old, we cannot sue for criminal charges. That is why we requested an apology from Park. However, since the agency has already responded legally saying that this was defamation, we are also trying to countersue for false accusations," he explained.

He continued, "Because Park is a celebrity, she said she was defamed, but the victim was suffering from mental damage for 10 years."

Kim emphasized that there is evidence to win the trial. The legal representative said, "There is a transcript of the first phone call with Park Chorong, but rather than notifying the media, I will immediately submit it to the court. At the time of the assault, a client reported to 112 (T/n: Korean police)".

original post: here

1. [+1,215, -10]
I'm not only talking for entertainers but people really need to pay attention to home education so that we don't create more of these thugs who are bragging about their derailment 

2. [+599, -8]
??? judge: during high school, the kids who gathered together to drink alcohol and tormented other kids are bullies. Bullies!!

3. [+1,324, -27]
Looking at the pictures, you can tell that she was playing around to some extent

4. [+175, -3]
Seriously, only thugs would play like that during their school days, who would even play around like this??

5. [+1,939, -52]
As expected, the personalities of people in the entertainment industry are such a mess~~~~~~ so many unfit people~~~~

"(Picture of) Park Chorong while in high school was sent by Kim, who claims to have suffered from school violence by Park Chorong."


This is the newest article and this was during her high school time. If you look closely, you can see the date

original post: here

1. Seriously, she was the few celebrities I thought was kind....

2. Hul I'm f*cking turned off. Apink were likable and I streamed all their albums....

3. Aigo

4. Why are all the bullies always posing like that??

5. It's ok to drink during your school days but anyone can tell that they were at a bar...ㅋㅋ If you look at her graduation picture, it's obvious that she was an iljin with that hairstyle

6. This breaks her image for meㅋㅋㅋ wow so disappointed

7. 🤮

8. Her image went out of the window. She totally had a polite and model student image

9. If she's born in '91, then in 2008, she was in her 2nd year of high school wow...

10. Ew


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