Tuesday, 6 April 2021


I don't have any friends so I'm embarrassed to have no followers? So I don't use Instagram. Am I the only one?ㅠㅠㅠ It's not that I don't have friends at all and I have a lot of close friends but I don't really have any side friends? I would have so little followers so I really hate using SNS
post response:
original post: here

1. [+241, -21]
But not using Instagram is better

2. [+238, 0]
?? Am I the only one who f*cking doesn't care about my Instagram followers? If I see someone with little followers, I just think that they must be very close

3. [+221, -2]
Huh? I use it even with only 30 followers. I just don't use the feed and only update my stories

4. [+124, -4]
I find people with 1000 followers who put thousands of hashtags and who comment on other people's posts just to delete their comments later way more lame than those with 100 followers?? They just seem way too obsessed with Instagram... I don't think that having little followers is weird

5. [+100, -2]
Seriously, there are kids with 20 followers and others with 10 followers. There are quite a lot of kids like that so it's not something that you should be very ashamed of. It becomes a shameful thing the moment you feel ashamed about it. Don't have such low self-esteem. If you think about it positively and don't mind it so much, you will be fine

6. [+99, 0]
To be honest, there are indeed a few kids who don't follow back and I get f*cking hurt when they don't follow me back. It makes me wonder if they don't see me as their friendㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+46, -2]
I only have 20 followers and I still use it... I just use it for my close friends and classmates and it's way easier to communicate like that


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