Monday, 14 June 2021


Seriously isn't this a catastrophic collapse..?
(t/n: paraphrased)
- I will only write the truth about her unnie.

- First of all, I'm one of the victims who received trauma from the school violence you've committed. When Nayeon's scandal broke out, a lot of kids around me mentioned you as well. I didn't know that you also committed SV at G-art school in Daejun too? This isn't only me writing but this post is an aggregated post from many statements

- you were always putting makeup at the back of the class during classtime and you were always a rebel. Do you remember what you did to other classmates?

- I don't know how you can be so confident defending SV when you committed SV yourself. You borrowed the gym clothes from XX and you just let it lay around on the floor of the classroom but don't you know how XX felt when she found it? You and your friend SongXX were crossing your arms standing in front of XX's desk and kicked her desk. You even asked her to apologize to you, do you not remember? 

- But what to do? Even if you don't remember, all the victims remember

- I still remember you boasting about your dongsaeng being a trainee at school. I don't have any thoughts about your dongsaneg but it's so absurd the way you're defending her in this situation. Shouldn't you not be doing this instead? I don't know what kind of person your dongsaeng is so I'm not gonna say anything but you should also stay quiet. 

- Unfair? All things in the pass? Because she was young? We were young too. To you it's in the past, but for us, our present personalities have been shaped by this

- I don't want to think about you again 

- I don't care about your dongsaeng, your parents or the agency, but just stay quiet if you have any shame

post response:
original post: here

1. [+876, -3]
There's even a video of Lee Naeun's mom picking on Hyunjoo. You can tell that they're the types of people who were strong at school and would pick on the weaker kids. I can't trust anything that family is saying 

2. [+837, -2]
She's writing things like "Our Naeunie was so so youngㅠㅠ" while defending a bully, meanwhile the unnie is also a bully? Then I can even less trust Naeun..ㅋㅋㅋ  A school violence perpetrator covering for another bully hmm.. 

3. [+782, -6]
That family is.. 

4. [+389, -2]
Now we have the full picture... The unnie is an iljin an was doing just fine at school so the dongsaeng followed through her actions... I bet she would use her unnie's name to torment others saying things like "If you touch me you'll die, don't you know who my unnie is?"

5. [+251, -0]
I hope she gives a feedback on this. When she got exposed, she erased her post about Naeun's diary and privated her IG


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