Wednesday, 16 June 2021



Kim Minjoo

Ahn Yoojin

If you look at Arin, you can tell that MuBank likes the f*cking pretty, f*cking innocent and feminine type

Looking at Music Core, you can see that they like girls who are simply pretty. Just looking at Kim Minjoo, I can't think of anything else than "pretty"

As for Inkigayo's Ahn Yoojin, her facial features are strong and they like the announcer/actress-looking people who have distinct facial features

post response:
original post: here

1. [+73, -3]
MuBank definitely have their preference. It's even more apparent when they stand next to the male MC

2. [+60, -4]
Inki's MCs used to not look so cohesive together before but seeing them together, their visual chemistry is somehow good and harmonious to look at

3. [+54, -4]
I'm not sure about MuCore but MuBank and Inki definitely have their taste. They are the opposite of one another.. MuBank likes the innocent, feminine and first-love kind of image... You can more or less get the vibe from Shin Yeeun to Arin's lineup. As for Inki, they like the fancy, mature and city-girl type of image... like Jisoo, Lee Naeun and Ah Yoojin ㅇㅇ

4. [+21, -2]
I want to see JinJoo'z together again ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+20, -2]
Ahn Yoojin is f*cking pretty ㅜ


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