Saturday, 3 July 2021


Indian curry

Japanese kare

Korean kare rice

I want to put kimchi in my curry

original post: here

1. Indian curry is just a wall

2. Indian

3. Indian curry is f*cking delicious

4. Korean one is the best. The solid ingredients from the other countries are so-so

5. Japanese one... but I don't really eat curry nowadays

6. Korean kare is f*cking bad. Especially the Ottugi one, it's the worst

7. Indian> Korean>>>>>>>> Japanese

8. Indian curry is f*cking good... Indian >>>> Japanese >= Korean

9. Indian and Japanese curry are f*cking good

10. Japanese>Indian>Korean

11. Indian👍

12. Indian curry is just f*cking good ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ although I like all three of them ㅠㅠ

13. Sorry to the kare rice + kimchi but... The Indian curry I ate in Japan >>>>> Japanese curry >>> the Indian curry I ate in India >>>>>>>>>>>> Korean curry.... but Korean curry is f*cking good too...

14. I like them all

15. Indian one is the best! I really dislike Korean curry

16. Indian or Korean, the Japanese one is just ok

17. I can't choose, I like all 3

18. Indian curry is f************cking good

19. The Indian curry they sell in Japan is f*cking delicious

20. I also give one vote for Thai curry

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