Saturday, 21 August 2021


"IKON Bobby will get married"
- And it will be through a shotgun wedding

(t/n: the post was written on July 17th 2021) 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+1,020, -6]
Please tell me I'll earn a lot of money 

2. [+880, -5]
Please tell me my whole family will succeed and be healthy 

3. [+855, -4]
Please tell me I'll achieve what I want 

4. [+237, -0]
This one exists too. How do people resist the itch to share when they know?
'An exquisite scoop' 
'An idol will reveal in July/August that they will be marrying a commoner. This will become a pilgrimmageㅎ.' 
'OP's post received comments saying that this was a troll post and that anyone can write stuff like this so they brushed it off' 
OP: Whether you believe it or not, I'm gonna go sleep, BB~
> Does that person share the same initials as 'ddeok bap'(rice cake)...?
>>ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm going crazy
>>Wow what is this..
> Hul.... The first initials daebak..

5. [+142, -1]
Please tell me I'll get a boyfriend

6. [+133, -1]
Please tell me I'll succeed in everything and that my family will be healthy all their lives


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