Tuesday, 31 August 2021



'I look weak'

The program that was aimed to showcase dancers' skills but it's turning into a Produce series showcasing growth and improvement killing the vibe of the show

Personally, I feel like they're trying to push the narrative of a dancer with lacking skills trying to dance battle with others. It's a shame that they're trying to focus only on Hyojin Choi's leadership rather than her dancing... 

original post: here

1. It's so weird how they're trying to turn this into an improvement story when they're already professionals. I'm not talking about the basics, but dancers can't just improve in dance skills in one or two days. The editing of this show is so weird 

2. Chaeyeon is such a good dancer, but she's getting sworn at because of Mnet. She's really a good dancer

3. I hope that Mnet cut it down a bit. She's there as a contestant, but now I pity her. The other dancers are all ganging up on her 

4. Seriously every time Chaeyeon appears on screen, it's this kind of editing.... 

5. Chaeyeon has so many useless screentime, I rather they use this time to show the other dancers on stage

6. They're trying to create a sob story around her with the editing.... I feel like they're making her look even more like an idol. 

7. I'm a Chaeyeon fan, but even during Produce, they turned a hard working kid into some depressed kid. And this time too, Mnet is f*cking dislikable. The people leaving hate comments against her are biting straight into Mnet's bait. This is what I hate the most. 
Chaeyeon isn't the only one crying after getting picked on by other dancers, but they're only showing Chaeyeon crying, their intentions are so obvious. 

8. Lee Chaeyeon is a good dancer, of course there's a huge difference between her and the other dancers, but I feel like they're trying to target Lee Chaeyeon too much. She didn't do anything wrong... 

9. The people there are way more professional than I thought and I can totally understand her struggling in a competition like this when everyone are experts in the field, but I feel like the program is doing her dirty by turning this into a sob story... Lee Chaeyeon is already doing well on her own, but with the overly emotional bits, the muggles will just eat this and view her negatively. I feel like the way they're portraying her with all the sob stories is not appropriate for the program 

10. This episode was just no fun 

11. It felt like the genre of the program completely flipped 

12. It was no fun. They keep pushing this editing on her and giving her more and more screentime... They should've used that time to show the other dancers


She pulled an all-nighter to create the choreography for the leaders. She made sure that the choreography would be perfect but the other leaders couldn't be removed from the main dancer spot (I'm not saying this in a bad way) 
So they picked another crew's performance, and she had to all-nighter again to practice and you can tell with the performance quality she gave that she gave her best

She has good skills and works hard, but most importantly, her mindset is f*cking mature

And even when she's confident about her own skills, she would say stuff like 
"I'm not well-placed to judge, of course I'll acknowledge any assessment I receive"


Original post: here

1. A cool unnie 

2. She's such a good dancer

3. Can Honey unnie be the center? I entered her fandom ㅜㅜ

4. Seriously from her mentality alone, she's so f*cking cool 

5. F*cking cool, I love you 

6. She's talented and her mindset is freaking cool  unnie I love you 

7. So so cool.... SMTM is just about crossing the line and swearing at each other, meanwhile SWF is all about variety and those cool unnies, it's not uncomfortable to watch at all 

8. She's the best there and her mindset is f*cking cool 

9. She's the legend of the legend. And she has class. I'm gonna watch the show attentively until Honey J unnie gets the main dancer part

10. Honey J is the best

11. Agree 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️ She's main dancer materialㅠㅠ  What a shame, she totally deserves it 

12. Honey J is seriously freaking coolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  this is seriously her fandom entrance program


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