Thursday, 2 September 2021



She's shooting a reality show now...
And they're also coming back soon 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+367, -17]
For real, she shouldn't come out until this has been cleared out completely... They're only mediaplaying the reinvestigation, but it seems like JYP isn't even doing it. JYP isn't about personality, but about selling their personality.

2. [+201, -19]
Now that I know her personality, it just feels like she's pretending 

3. [+105, -2]
They should just hurry up with an official statement and the conclusion of their reinvestigation and halt the promotions in the meantime or comeback confidently after it's all cleared... 

4. [+50, -3]
Lia is the only person who received such a neutral response before the school violence was exposed, whether it's true or false. Even if she got a bit of hate, compared to the other kids, the media was siding with her and now that they're reinvestigating, they could've gotten away with it if they settled with the victim right away, but instead, they're doing this media play and we keep seeing posts like this... I wonder if she's just ignoring the controversy because she saw how the Pann responses were all about staying neutral and 'it looks like normal friends fighting' when she first got exposed... 

5. [+38,- 33]
Who cares, the power trip kid is promoting just fine too 

6. [+33, -3]
They tried suing the exposer and they ended up being cleared from the charges, they're claiming that whenever they think back of that time, they find it mentally challenging and that they wished Lia would sincerely apologize. They're not even asking Lia to acknowledge the school violence and apologize.... Isn't she way too shameless just promoting like that??? Does she think that the public are just pigs


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