Thursday, 21 October 2021


She's super known for her relationship with her fans

Of course, she's still keeping it up now

She posted for 145 days out of 166
(Bubble: paid app to communicate with fans. Monthly fee is 4,500 won)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+148, -8]
To be honest, this is the right thing to do. Not like it was free

2. [+79, 0]
Nayeon and Momo are apparently super filial

3. [+74, -5]
Back then, I didn't really care about Momo at all but I started to like her so much after all the hate she received from Twice's encore stages... It seems like she's putting in a lot of effort into her singing, she always dances so hard and is so cool... Her personality is also cute and she communicates with the fans a lot ㅠㅠ This is just my opinion so don't fight me ^^

4. [+23, -1]
Kids like them should be the ones made into idols. It's worth fangirling on her. It's not like there were controversies about her skills everyday and when I heard her singing in Candy Pop this time, I found her good. She's way better when the song is within her range. She did well in The Feels too. It's worth spending on kids like her. Twice even dressed up for their 6th year anniversary so their fans must be so happy. By the way, I'm not a fan of Twice but that's how I feel ㅎㅎ

5. [+19, 0]
Nayeon, Sana and Momo used to do it and now it's just Nayeon. Seriously, even if you don't go for 1 day, you would get over 50 alarms from them just in 1 day...

6. [+11, 0]
Am I the only one who find Twice so likable nowadays...? I like that they are easy-going and I love how they cherish their fans so much...


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