Wednesday, 6 October 2021


Lemonade >>>>>> Sticker
(Lemonade 2.3M, Sticker 1.7M)
Lemonade overwhelming win for their choreography video 

(Lemonade 600K, Sticker 200K)

Lemonade overwhelming win for their stage videos

(Lemonade 2.4M, Sticker 1.1M)

Lemonade overwhelming win for their first stage video

I feel like they would've had 2x the reactions they could've had they pick Lemonade and thrown away Sticker as their title song 
I understand there's a reason why a title song should be the title song, but here it seems meaningless
Lemonade with no promotions has similar views as their title's video 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+121, -5]
The responses would've been so much bigger if they picked Lemonade as their title... SM is seriously dumb 

2. [+84, -6]
Even in their individual fancams, Lemonade has twice the amount of views than Sticker... It says it all 

3. [+70, -62]
Lemonade is shard carried by Jaehyun, that's why they chose Sticker as a title track 

4. [+66, -7]
It's a fact that they didn't flop thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+47, -0]
But Sticker stills feels more like the title than Lemonade, it's not an issue of views

6. [+40, -3]
NCT127 sure has the most amount of trolls, whether it's the group or individually... This is what I feel every time I come on enter-talk 

7. [+34, -2]
Lemonade isn't showcasing any of the vocal members so I wouldn't want that 


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