Friday, 22 October 2021


"The weather got really cold. Looks like winter is coming.
It's cold but I'm excited that winter's coming"

I did hear that he was confirmed to debut but I got a real sense of it now that they released this on their official accountㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm not saying that he's ugly or anything but the first member just looks like my nephew. He looks extremely young (T/N: he's born on 1/29/2009)

post response:
original post: here
1. [+572, -3]
Kids who will fangirl on him are really weird. It's not about being your type or not

2. [+416, -4]
What is this... it's not even pseudo-childcare anymore but straight up childcare

3. [+272, 0]
09 is way too young. Shouldn't they put him in the next group?

4. [+105, 0]
09, f*ck. Go debut some middle schoolers

5. [+98, 0]
I'm not sure if he was to debut at a later age but... this just doesn't resonate with our country's sentiment. Especially recently... aren't people who like young kids like them lolitas? If he was a girl, it would totally create a mess;;


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