Wednesday, 20 October 2021



This is
Kim Seon Ho. I sincerely apologize for the belated statement. I experienced a fear that felt for the first time after the article with the mention of my name was released a while ago, and that is why I am writing this now.

I was seeing her with good emotions. In that process, I hurt her due to my carelessness and inconsiderate actions.

I wanted to meet and apologize to her directly, but I am not able to properly convey the apology now and am waiting for that time to come. For now, I would like to genuinely apologize to her through this statement.

I apologize for also disappointing all of those who trusted and supported me until the end. It was all thanks to those who supported me that I was able to become the actor Kim Seon Ho, but I had forgotten that. I apologize for causing trouble to my co-stars and all of the related staff who worked with me due to my flaws. I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone who was hurt.

I am aware that this rambling statement will not fully reach your hearts, but I am still attempting to convey my sincere thoughts. I am very sorry.

Salt Entertainment also shared a separate statement of apology:

Hello. This is Salt Entertainment. We apologize for for causing concern to many with actor Kim Seon Ho’s personal matters. We would like to apologize to all those who were disappointed and troubled by this issue. Once again, we apologize for worrying you with an unpleasant matter.

Cr. Soompi

original post: here

1. Bye bye this is a farewell forever

2. Yet people were making a huge fuss threatening his ex-girlfriend of doxxing her ..ㅋㅋ  Sigh 

3. The fact that the woman stopped receiving his contacts is amazing
He should at least compensate her for the damage he caused with this controversy... 
He needs to receive karma for what he didㅠㅠ

4. Freaking bast*rd, don't even show your face again 

5. Wow this is too shocking 

6. Why are kids like that always requesting the victims to meet directly and apologize? Tsk tsk. Had he met her in person, you never know what else he could've done to her. I hope the victim can heal now 

7. He wanted to pretend that everything is fine by trying to settle with her, but he failed I understand her, I hate to see his face now... The woman's pain will not disappear easily, but I hope that she will get good things happen in her life in the future. This person should never shamelessly appear on TV anymore

8. Wow this was real... I don't want to see you again 

9. Farewell, you used to be so likeable, but you were so childish. You will remain as the representative of a wasted opportunity 

10. I don't even know how honest he is about his apology. Someone who couldn't even take responsibility of a kid that he conceived, he also couldn't even keep the bare minimum towards his pet and his fan, you think that someone like that can be sincere?ㅋㅋㅋ


According to a report by SpotNews on the 20th, Kim Seonho has decided to leave the KBS2 entertainment program '1 Night 2 Days'.

The production team had a meeting starting this morning and confirmed Kim Seonho's departure. It is reported that Kim Seonho also expressed his intention to leave the program.

The news of Kim Seonho's departure has already been notified to Yeon Jeonghoon, Moon Seyoon, Dindin, Kim Jongmin, and Ravi. The members who said several times through the program, "Don't get into an accident, let's do '1 Night 2 Days' for a long time" are known to be in a state of great heartache due to the sudden situation.

original post: here

1. This was the obvious thing to do 

2. Freaking bast*rd, what have you done to my 1N2D

3. Now all the people ganging up to shield on him disappeared

4. They're in a state of great heartache...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  Money aside, there's no a person who can lead a good life if they hurt that many people 

5. 1N2D has this happen every season. Um Taewoong and Jung Joonyoung last time, and this time.. 

6. You've been kicked out you idiot sigh. I feel bad for the remaining members

7. Duhㅋㅋ  Who wants to see a man who forces his girlfriends to abort? 1N2D's team is f*cking pitiful 

8. An eyesore

9. He got kicked out, what leave?ㅋㅋ

10. I'll put it clearer for you, he got kicked outㅋㅋㅋ I hate to see him now.. 


So he acknowledged it in the end

post response:
original post: here

1. [+1,482, -138]
You shielding bugs bullsh*tting with 'if he was a commoner, he wouldn't have been sworn at', even if he was a commoner, this would've been a serious debate. Just try releasing a post on the internet pretending to be a boyfriend who forced is ex to abort ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You'll get sworn at in the comments for sure. To be honest, if rumors like that circulated in a workplace, this can get you fired. The only difference is that he's a celebrity so the criticisms are more opened

2. [+1,253, -69]
Why did he stay quiet for the past days if this is the conclusion...?

3. [+1,196, -119]
I hope he won't hurt others anymore.. And don't come back on TV 

4. [+808, -2]
He probably contacted her a whole lot trying to settle, but the woman refused his contact and he ended up in this situation 

5. [+728, -12]
Seeing how the ex is refusing his contact, what that OP wants was definitely not money...? 


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