Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Did everyone see this? My heart sank when I saw this

They asked him about Goo Hyesun on the press conference of his drama
and he was so taken aback that he started to sweat as he answered
I feel so bad for him ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

"Ahn Jaehyun, covered in sweat after hearing question on Goo Hyesun"

Ha... Looks like his mentality is fragile so I'm worriedㅠㅠ
I hope people stop tormenting him
You journalist f*ckersㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+507, -21]
Isn't he in a state of panic right now?

2. [+443, -26]
No but why would you ask about personal life in a press conference;; If you're that curious, go ask him somewhere else. Seriously this is so sad

3. [+304, -51]
I feel so bad for Ahn Jaehyunㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  I really hope he gathers strength and finds happiness..

4. [+197, -16]
The royal bodyguards of Goo-nim are still bullsh*tting ^^
1. Ahn Jaehyun ignored her seaweed soup on his birthday X --> he actually said it was delicious and thanked her by text
2. Ahn Jaehyun went on a birthday party without Goo Hyesun X --> he went to a fitting and it wasn't on his birthday 
3. Talkshitted on Goo Hyesun with the director X --> He just said "ah she's saying weird things again"
4. Ahn Jaehyun was contacting other girls X --> After confirming on his phone, he doesn't share conversations with other girls 
5. Ahn Jaehyun made a comment about her nipples X --> Goo Hyesun was the one who joked about it, Ahn Jaehyun hesitated to answer on that 
6. They didn't settle on divorce X --> Ahn Jaehyun already prepared the 1 million won that Goo Hyesun requested
7. She claims that she was raising the cat before the wedding X -->  She said herself in her Youtube that this is her husband's cat and they ended up living together with it

5. [+151, -118]
Seriously I hate Goo Hyesun... How can you lie that much? Right now all the ajummas in their 30-40s are swearing at Ahn Jaehyun 


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