Wednesday, 13 November 2019


There were posters and messages supporting the Hongkong demonstration on the wall but 
50-60 Chinese international students all came together and started terrorizing the place and tearing everything down 

They're writing in Chinese and English stuff like "Dokdo is Japan's" and "Kim Jong Un Mansae"

Those international students even called the other Chinese students around the campus to come and join them 

Here's the video

The same thing is happening in Hanguk University of Foreign Studies

The Chinese international students all gathered to the school's dashboard
and wrote stuff like they're against Korea's independance

So the Korean students came to posters in support of HongKong

 "Current situation of the humanities department"
The Chinese all gathered together, they were all standing in front of the tables and they were around 20-30 people and were talking among themselves. And the student council's director, the student support team and the teachers are talking among themselves.
It's not dinner time, but there are more Chinese than Korean people now

what are they doing in other countries' universities;;

post response:
original post: here

1. [+411, -1]
Why are they being like that;;; How ironic that they're coming to democratic countries as international students

2. [+291, -2]
Looks like Korea is really a country of scholars... Haha they just keep on coming and coming that now they're just creeping everywhere 

3. [+283, -2]
Ah why are they coming here with all their bullsh*t... Can they not

4. [+115, -0]
What pisses me off the most is that they come to all those prestigious universities so f*cking easily and we give them f*cking lots of foreign scholarships, so there's barely any left for us f*ck 

5. [+84, -0]
I go to Korea University and we demonstrated in support to HongKong on campus, but there are seriously loooooots of Chinese students in the campus, so they all gathered in front of the people doing the demonstration and started murmuring between them... They eventually started tearing down all our posters and covering them with vinyl, the student council wrote to them in Chinese to stop tearing our stuff and even today, they were still tearing them down.... 

[enter-talk] CHINA IS CRAZY RIGHT NOWㄷㄷㄷ

A new case of black death plague arose in the 21st century 

This is the worst epidemic of human history that killed more than 75M of people on Earth

post response:
original post: here

1. [+267, -3]
Can we restrict Chinese people from entering our country for a while? F*ck how can they start the black death plague in this generation? 

2. [+219, -1]
Just how bad is their hygiene that they're catching the black death plague? Even in France, they have f*cking lots of rats and they're going all around barking about animal protection, this is how you bring the black plague back 

3. [+176, -2]
Are you for real? The black plague in the 21st century? This is freaking scary

4. [+57, -2]
Looks like they're getting payback, I hope their population gets reduced by 1/3

5. [+51, -0]
Ah f*ck please just stop those Chinese from coming to our country;;; Do you know how scary the black death plague is?


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