Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Hello this is Lee Hangyul Supporters.
Today, we have a very heavy announcement to make. 

We have almost finished our preparations. We were planning to announce our 4th event when we reach 90% of the funds which was the project for a movie theater in downtown of Seoul. The event was planned to start on November 30th but the CGV contacted us on the 11th to say that it wasn't possible to proceed with the event anymore. So we decided to go for Lotte Cinema Megabox as an additional location, but they also refused so the cinema event will be cancelled completely. 

Right now, we have gathered 87% of the fees up until November 13th. We will work hard to prepare a cool event in place of the cinema event to announce when we reach 90% of the funds. 

Thank you

Even CJ's company CGV refused them... 

original post: here

1. Seems like they refused because of their rigged image... They never refuse these kinds of advertisements? usually 

2. But Fromis9's member received her ads in CGV, what's the difference? 

3. It's my first time seeing someone refuse a birthday event that fans gathered their money for, and he's not even a criminal 

4. Hul....

5. Please disband them ASAP... How can they even fail at organizing individual events like this ㅠㅠ  sigh ㅠㅠ 

6. Just imagine how sh*tty their image is that even when they're being paid so much to hang their posters, they still refuse... Movie theaters usually never refuse these

7. It has to be because of their image if they refuse even if they can get money from it. They probably don't want their walls to have his name plastered everywhere

8. I can understand why they got refused but ㅠㅠ..the fans must be so upset, this breaks my heart.. 

9. Their image is even worse than actual criminal idols.... Seriously just disband them and let them start afresh 

10. CGV is just being bratty for refusing them.. 


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