Sunday, 1 December 2019


Goo Hara: I'm coming to your house right away

Han Seohee: I'll bring you there at that time, for sure

Goo Hara: I miss you
- Seohee-yah
- I want to cry
- I want to talk to you
- I (?) feel like sh*t
- ..
- I'm gonna sleep... I'll just watch TV alone or sleep tomorrow and eat YY drug
- My brat
- I'm crying

Han Seohee: Don't cry. Come and let's talk. Everything will be fine

Han Seohee: when we closed your coffin, I took unnie's hand and talked to you. Do you know what I said? I'll make sure to keep that promise. If you don't appear in my dreams, I'll get mad so make sure you do. I have so many things to tell you. Hara, I love you and I'll love you forever

Ah.. this seriously breaks my heart ㅠㅠ

post response:
original post: here

1. [+208, -6]
The kids who are asking why she would take these screencaps and upload themㅋㅋㅋ they seem to be the same people who were asking Goo Hara why she would go on Insta live when Sulli went to the skies. Seriously, everyone deals with the passing of someone differently. Han Seohee knew Goo Hara and understood her way better than all of you

2. [+65, 0]
This is so sad

3. [+45, -1]
This is a bit off-topic but... I wonder just how far do Han Seohee's connections go..? I thought that we saw everything already

4. [+40, 27]
I don't like Han Seohee but this is so sad... I hope that Goo Hara is happy in the skies and that Han Seohee recovers fast

5. [+29, -1]
After Sulli and Goo Hara's passing, I decided to not judge anyone anymore, even the people I've seen for a long time. Even for myself, the way I act in front of others and the way I really feel are different, so how much more for celebrities? When Sulli's news came out, the words that touched me the most was someone saying "if Sulli was a bad person, how can her surroundings be this good? A good person always has another good person next to him/her"... I seriously felt it. I don't know what kind of person Han Seohee is and I don't think that we should say whether she is a good or a bad person either


Han Seungyeon: There's so many things I want to say from my heart but it's all meaningless now..
Hara-yah, Hara-yah
I will live hard so that a lot of people can remember you for a long time.
Rest well until we meet again. I'll tell you 'I love you' when we meet again.

post response:
original post: here

1. [+53, 0]
I get sad just thinking back about their Kara days so how much sadder would the members be?

2. [+41, 0]
Seriously breaks my heart...

3. [+39, -1]
This is seriously touching.... these few lines are filled with so much

4. [+18, 0]
This breaks my heart.... I hope that Han Seungyeon recovers well...ㅠㅠ I hope that everyone is in a happy world

5. [+12, 0]
It's so sad how she says that "it's all meaningless". I hope that everyone recovers well..


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