Sunday, 1 December 2019


Singers Hyuna and DAWN were seen together at the Incheon airport on the afternoon of the 1st after completing their overseas' schedule.

original post: here

1. [+297, -4]
Hyuna and Edawn match so well together. I hope they get married

2. [+203, 0]
It seems like Hyuna was able to endure so much because Edawn was there. I hope that they lean on each other and are happy

3. [+161, 0]
Seeing them on Knowing Bros, they danced so well, has good understanding skills and seemed so free. I like them. They look good together. Fighting

4. [+114, -2]
I saw the videos of them arriving in the country on YouTube. They seriously looked so friendly and their fan service was jjang. Their looks are as pretty as their hearts

5. [+54, -2]
They match each other so well. Let's be healthy and happy all the time. Dawn must be so cold. He makes me want to wear my long parkaㅠㅠ they are cool

6. [+17, 0]
They might look fancy on the outside but these two seem to have innocent hearts and look so friendly. I support them


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