Sunday, 22 December 2019


Whenever you meet the royalty in Thailand and you want to show respect, you need to get down on your knees

This is at a soccer field in 2016, when she visited the stadium to watch soccer

In 2013 too, the Thai princess visited the Busan film festical. This is director Yoon Jegyun thanking her. To respect the royalty, the other people present were also on their knees

post response:
original post: here

1. [+1,096, -9]
It's their culture, so I don't care if they do it between themselves, but all things aside, but when they visit our country as another country's royalty, why are the Koreans the ones on their knees? This is total bullsh*tㅋㅋ

2. [+640, -39]
It looks f*cking uncivilized

3. [+537, -14]
Making f*cking fools of themselves

4. [+274, -1]
I don't care if they did it between themselves, but to come at a domestic film festival like this is just oba... If I was the director, I wouldn't do it 

5. [+246, -0]
What the? The Busan film festival is in Korea, doesn't the Thai princess need to follow Korean culture when she's there?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Why is a Korean director on his knees? 


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