Saturday, 21 December 2019


Nowadays, there's a drought in academy dramas
Dragon Zakura => Master of study, this remake really hit big
I feel like this drama will hit big too
The title is "Life"

original post: here

1. I'm afraid this will romanticize bullying, I'm against

2. I feel like usually those slice of life always dramatize the reaclity, so as long as the content doesn't dramatize too much, I feel like it could work. Rather than an academy drama, Life is more a genre that's relatable to the entire public.. I use to like Japanese dramas but I couldn't bring myself to finish Lifeㅠㅠ

3. Wow this will definitely blow up, bullying is no joke, it's actually severe

4. I don't think we can pull this off...... If you look at the original manga, it's way worse but the drama kind of toned it down, but still, it's pretty severe...

5. I feel like I would just feel so uncomfortable watching it...

6. Ijime is too severe, that would be considered a crime in our country

7. Wow I knew it would be this dramaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was such an interesting drama, but I don't think it fits the Korean standards

8. I was so freaking annoyed while reading the manga and you think it would be a good drama? Definitely no

9. I had it so hard when I was in middle school.... I never expected what could come after me..... I just thought how can people be so cruel?

10. I read the original manga all in one day, and I viewed it as a fun makjang


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