Thursday, 21 May 2020

[enter-talk] IZONE'S KANG HYEWON

Her face is so so pretty but they always give her mean looking/ upward slanted eyebrows that make her look violent and stiff. So I tried making her eyebrows straighter. Don't you think that they make her look softer and that they suit her better?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+77, -8]
Because you spun her eyebrows weirdly, she came out looking weird but she looked hundreds of times better during Produce with her straight eyebrowsㅠ

2. [+72, -13]
No.. the arch brows fit her features better

3. [+55, -35]
She seriously suits straight eyebrows way better

4. [+32, -1]
She lost her uniqueness with the straight brows.. they make her look too average..

5. [+31, -1]
Oh she looks the same as her pre-debut pics with straight brows. Looks like the reason why she looks different in her selcas now are her eyebrows

6. [+27, 0]
I prefer her eyebrows before but it's true that it makes her expression stronger


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