Thursday, 21 May 2020



From the picture order:
Korea 1++ rank
US Prime rank
Japan A5 rank

original post:  here

1. My taste is totally US... I hate marbling and the fat

2. I ate A5 Kobe beef and I didn't find it that good

3. Just looking at the pictures I can feel the arteriosclerosis..

4. I worked as a cook in Japan before and their meat is seriously the best quality. This one is the sirloin so it's even more fatty

5. At this rate, why don't you just eat oil.. Koreans and Japanese prefer the melty tender texture rather than chewing, so they would prefer the more fatty pieces and those are the ones who sell well But my taste is the prime beef

6. That picture for the Japanese wagyu isn't fake, it's probably one of the best wagyu... I took a Japanese culture class before and I watched a documentary of them making wagyu so I remember this. In order to make the marble, they have to barely move the beef and they have to keep eating all the time, they barely have any muscles and they only have fat...

7. I like the fatty ones from Korea and Japanㅋㅋㅋ

8. I like the Korean one the best I feel like it's too greasy if there's too much marbling so I won't be able to eat it..

9. Why are people who know nothing claiming that the Japanese one is fakeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. Korea: beef who would only work out if they feel like it
US: beef who works out everyday like an athlete
Japan: beef who will just eat and eat
That's the vibe I get..


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