Sunday, 7 June 2020

[teen stories] IF I WAS A GUY..

I would be f*cking good at flirting with girlsㅠㅠㅠㅠ even if I'm not that handsome, as long as I'm above average, and have a decent haircut, dress neatly (I f*cking hate chains), wear moisturizer and wear Nivea's tinted lip balm, I bet that I'll be at least somewhat popular ㅠㅠㅠ Saying heart fluttering things on purpose is too obvious so I wouldn't do something like that. I would pay attention to my grammar and spelling and not write things like "oong ok~ (aegyo)"... If I do all of this, I think that I'd be super popular

post response:

original post: here

1. [+294, -17]
Ways to get popular... for guys... is right in front of them... I don't know... they can be.... popular.... just by pampering themselves a little bit.... just doing that... will make them popular... but in Korea... there are too many pretty girls.... the competition... is just too fierce... sneef sneef...

2. [+265, -7]
I also think about this a lot ㅋㅋ If I was a guy, I would be daebak popular... this is so relatable

3. [+231, -8]
Isn't this true though?ㅋㅋㅋ but then I also see men with wrinkled t-shirts, weird pants and who reeks of cigarette smell dating a pretty girl just fine...ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+83, -97]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ your confidence is impressive

5. [+76, -2]
It seems like OP is being sarcastic and making fun of guys, saying how nowadays, guys don't even pamper themselves nor do they take care of themselves


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