Friday, 27 November 2020



Table columns, left to right: date, artist (album name), daily sales, cummulative sales

1 version + 40,000 won + no random cards + no fansign + no China push 

original post: here

1. Wow they're selling so well... Amazing our Armys

2. Wow they sold way more than I expectedㄷㄷ What a reversal

3. It's one version and no random stuff included, selling over a million is already considered so so so good, but this is even moreㅋㅋㅋㅋ Makes me realize I lost all my chance to get tickets

4. Just from my experience, I always buy their albums in set, but since it was more expensive this time, I only bought one and lots of people around me also only bought 1 album 

5. For 1 album and no fansigns, their power is freaking amazing 

6. Daebak 

7. The Chinese Armys did everything they could.... They're doing everything they can to not be a hassle to anyone... There's no crime in fangirling on them.. ㅜㅜ

8. Wow to be honest, I didn't think we'd achieve even 2 millionㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Daebak 

9. I'm an international fan, and the album was quite expensive this time, so all the student fans around me and myself didn't even end up buying one and waited until it went on sale, lots of people around me did that 

10. Crazy... Everyone around me only bought one or two copies this time and we were so worried.. 


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