Friday, 27 November 2020



Fan: Until when are you guys going to promote~?
TAG: (Firmly) I can't tell you
Fan: Ah ㅠㅠ Will you guys film contents on the GoChild channel or something? I miss you
TAG: Why would I film that? Why are you trying to feel me out? (T/N: it kinda sounds like "why are you trying to get information from me?/ Why are you trying to ask me indirectly?")
Fan: Yes??
TAG: Why are you trying to feel me out?
Fan: I was just asking ㅠㅠ (and the next day it was their last stageㅠㅠ I'm sorry for asking ㅠㅠㅠㅠ)

Golden Child's TAG

original post: here

1. Wow she must have seriously been so upset by his behavior ㅠㅠ

2. Why is he acting like that?

3. Wow seriously, I would feel hurt even if my friend spoke to me like that

4. Does he think that it's ok for him to say something like this just because he has a smile on?....

5. Is he famous? It's my first time seeing him and he doesn't seem famous either. He should treat his fan better........

6. Look at how bitchy he is. Is this how you talk to a fan? The fan must've been heart broken. If he was my bias, I would've left the fandom immediately

7. Ah... even I'm getting heart broken watching this....

8. ?????? Why is he acting like this...???????

9. Look at his expressions. He must have been really serious about it....

10. I couldn't watch it until the end... he really has no tact.......

11. I would've quit the fandom if he was my bias

12. Who is he? Ah, his expression and way of talking are so rude

13. No wonder that failed idols are failed idols

14. When the fan asked if he filmed contents and said that she missed him, he said "why would I film that?" I'm heart broken for her....

15. Does he always smile like that...?


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