Friday, 22 January 2021

[enter-talk] HUL SF9 IS COMING TO KINGDOMㅋㅋㅋㅋ


"SF9, reviewing positively appearing on Mnet's "Kingdom"... Joins the lineup"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+105, -10]
??? No but Pentagon appeared on RTK but they get to appear on Kingdom? 

2. [+62, -24]
The standard is so low... I feel like they failed to invite better groups 

3. [+62, -6]
I don't know what's different from this than RTK then. How does this group get to appear on Kingdom? 

4. [+26, -3]
They're not the ones who begged Mnet either, Mnet are the ones who called them. So why are people saying stuff like the standards dropped?ㅋㅋ And the only qualification to appear on Kingdom is to win #1 on a music show, so why do you guys have so much to say? 

5. [+18, -18]
They're talented

6. [+17, -1]
Aside from iKON, they have Rowoon and Chanhee who are quite strongㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+17, -6]
Isn't this way too unbalanced.. Appearing with iKON? Aside from the fandom size, they need groups to balance each other out in terms of hit songs to compete.. 


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