Tuesday, 16 February 2021


It was in middle school 3rd year, he was 16 y'o in 2011.... 
Everyone is saying that he was 15, he was 15 in international age

I didn't know that so many people would be interested in this so I wrote the big lines (t/n: seems like OP already made a post before)
But I made some tweaks to the post and will write down all the details.. 

First of all, what I want to say is, I don't know what would benefit me if I fabricated any content of this post. 
I first learned that he became a celebrity through Katalk 
The contents of the Katalk I received were when I saw him on Sky Castle 
The rest of the pictures are from the time I attended WBHS in the same year as Jo Byung Gyu

(t/n: OP searched the word "Jo Byung Gyu" in her chat that's why his name is on the top)
X: People don't know anything [about Jo Byung Gyu]. He's everywhere on TV that Jo Byung Gyuㅋㅋㅋㅋ
OP: ㅋㅋㅋ That f*cker seriously. I got f*cking goosebumps when I saw him on TV. 

A friend of mine who attended New Zealand's high school WBHS (Westlake Boys High School) at the time with me contacted me. 
That was during Sky Castle days. They said the drama came out on April 30th 2019. 

They told me "You know that Jo Byung Gyu guy?"
- What are you trying to tell me?
- He appeared on Sky Castle and got quite popular right now because the drama did so well

That's how I knew about the situation, but I still remember his school violence. There were no hard evidence of it and his company kept insisting that it wasn't true and that they were suing so the issue got buried down.... 

Anyways at that time, I was planning to not pay any attention to it
but the reason I'm writing now is because I've heard a lot of talks around him lately to the point even my parents asked me "isn't he the guy who called you and ganged up on you to swear at you?
And there was an awful amount of stress put on me 

The only purpose of writing this post is to get a formal apology from him and for him to acknowledge his bullying
I don't need anyone to fight for me 
I just want you sincerely apologize to your victims... 
At that time, I tried searching for JBG back then on Naver search and all I found were people accusing victims of bein mythomaniacs.... I felt so bad.. 

Anyways, I'm writing this post right now. 
I travelled to New Zealand alone at 16 to study English and arrived at a boarding school. At first, I promised myself that I will work hard for a year with my spending. I also made a lot of effort to hand out with more foreigners instead of making Korean friends...

I went to school quietly for about a week. But on some random day, I saw that kid enter the class for the first time and it was JBG. When class ended, he told me to come out. He had skinny pants, with dyed hair and the way he spoke kinda sounded like he was trying to provoke me to a fight....... So my mood wasn't the best either and I decided to not say anything and just left.... but it seems like I offended him. During lunch on that day,  I was eating alone because my schedule was packed and there were 2 Koreans who didn't really give good impression told me to follow them.... I thought "what the?" at first and just followed them without thinking much but then it turned out to be 30 people following me with 3/4 of them being hyungs. 

They suddenly circled me and started swearing at me for the entire lunch time... 
All those hyungs and kids were swearing to my face and I was so taken aback and embarrassed that my school life just escalated from there. I simply thought "Ah this isn't going to be an easy road" I thought "was it such a big issue that I ignored him when he wanted me to go outside that I would deserve this amount of swearing?" I also got mad..... I only ate swears during that lunch so much that I didn't feel hungry anymore... 

I was so angry that I went to that office that was in charge of the Korean exchange students? and spoke with the management there. I told them everything so of course my parents and the ajumma at my home stay also got to know about the situation. They called in JBG and talked to him separately. 
But the manager just told me that if something like this happens in the future that they will deal with us according to the rules of the school and that we better get along. 
The owner of the homestay decided to call my parents saying that they heard it from the manager and my parents called me worried because they sent me alone overseas to study. I'm here to study so why did I get so much sworn at? This was only the start of the school year, how was I supposed to spend the rest of the year like this... 

He would do stuff with this girl, she might've been a nuna? in the public washroom everyday. I heard talks about how it was her first time and that she bled. 
He would also get cursed by the foreign teachers. I never saw him doing drugs, but there were kids saying he did drugs too... 
Anyways I remember him as a disgusting kid, but now that he's famous, his company is trying to bury everything down, down to the victims... I held back thinking that if I kept my manners, I'd probably get sworn at again... 

What I'm writing here is nothing compared to what the other people had with him 
I just feel bad that so many of his victims were buried down 
He appeared on my favorite hyung nim, Yoo Jaesuk's program and acted like an hypocrite so I wrote my [first] post
but I didn't know that I would get this many comments in such a short instant.... 

I can easily prove this with the fact we went to the same school, from the people who were in the homestay and my parents so I'm not worried about getting sued. 

But don't try to bury your past and just boldly acknowledge it and live your life. Byung gyu-yah all I need form you is a single apology 

He never physically assaulted me, but he verbally assaulted me 

I'm fine now, but I'm upset that his company is treating all the victims who came forward during Sky Castle like liars. I feel like now is the right timing for him to acknowledge it. He's getting more famous and it just seems like the appropriate move. 

I hope that the victims who had it worse than me release their posts again and realize that all this wasn't in vain so that we can shed light on the truth 

People are still requesting a recording file from me but how am I supposed to have one? Do you think I would be recording when I'm getting assaulted at school? What would you have done if you were in the same situation as me? 

I only spoke the truth and if there is anything that wasn't true, I promise to take full responsibility for the damage created on JBG. I'm okay with people just reading this. Thank you for your interest. I hope that situations like these decrease in the future. 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+498, -93]
Ever since then he was already a bit... 

2. [+384 ,-27]
He's close with Lee Jonghyun and they even lived together 

3. [+361, -214]
Let's stay neutral for now kids, don't blindly believe people.. There are lots of instances like this. OP needs to come out with the proofs first. It's honestly hard to believe anything if you just say that you went to the same school as him. If you don't give us your name and the precise situation, it will be easy to sue you (t/n: this comment was probably posted before OP showed the pictures and re-wrote his post)

4. [+231, -14]
(OP) This is the proof that I went to the same school as JBG at the same year in 2011, so it proves that we spent this year together and that I completed my degree!!!

5. [+224, -30]
Jo Byung Gyu.... From all the talks surrounding him and girls.... You can tell he's cheap... Physiognomy.. 

6. [+219, -46]
Byung Gyu oppa... You're quite honestly cheap... 

7. [+177, -5]
https://blog.naver.com/1musim/221431416326 School violence Jo Byung Gyu??? (t/n: this post is quite long, anyone feel free to fill in if you know the context!) 
"I'm the victim of Sky Castle's Cha Kijun's actor' school violence"
"We were in the same primary and middle school. He debuted as an actor and he did such a good job cleaning his image"


original post: here

1. I'm not trying to shield him, but can we differentiate between a bully and a criminal? From what I understand, he was just hanging out with the wrong crowd and talkshitting behind people's backs. 

2. What OP is saying is that JBG got offended because OP ignored his words and he went to his hyungs to come and swear at him. To OP, this isn't something that is super big, but he is saying that he is talking on the behalf of other victims who had it worse than him. What other victims have went through because of him seems to be the key here

3. Let aside of whether this is true or not, I find it creepy that some comments here believe that ganging up against someone to verbally assault them isn't considered school violence

4. It really seems like he has a sh*tty character but it's also true that he doesn't even pretend to be kind now either I'm not saying that all celebrities need to have lived a polite life in the past, but if you're going to be on TV, don't act like you're always on the verge of getting pissed and that it's so hard for you to act kind. I just think that if you think of becoming a celebrity in the future, at least try to minimize your bad actions. Seeing how things are blowing up on TV right now whenever someone is getting exposed is a reminder for the teens of today that whatever you do will have consequences

5. I feel like the way this post was written is a bit ambiguous, you can't tell if Jo Byung Gyu is actually the one who did the assault or not 

6. I don't know if he went as far as being a bully, but he does seems like he has a bad character

7. Jo Byung Gyu tried to talk to him > He didn't talk back > 2 people then came and told him to follow them > He went and saw 30 people waiting for him with 3/4 being older than him 
So you guys think that the 2 people would just randomly go to him and ask him to follow them???? Of course Jo Byung Gyu talked with them and told them that he would be waiting there ㅠㅠ When he arrived there, Jo Byung Gyu was there and he realized that... I feel like this is the bit that was lacking in his post

8. Jo Byung Gyu got mad because he got ignored - He told his 2 friends to follow them - He went there and got sworn at. What is so hard to understand???

9. Let's just wait, I bet a response will come out in the morning 

10. I really hope this is fake


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