Tuesday, 16 February 2021


original post: here

1. This is the best part from all the scenes in the MV (I feel like this would be the representative image)
And the going crazy scene was crazy too 

2. The song is actually good 

3. What's up with the MV quality? I watched it twice in a row. It was so good ant the song was so good. I feel like he'll do so well this time. The lalala part is so addictive and did he eat the devil at the end? 

4. Wow can the MV director come out and explain the plot behind the MV this time? It was such a different MV and I feel like there's a meaning behind every scene. Is he trying to show that he couldn't overcome himself at the end and ended up eroding? I need to watch a few times to understand this 

5. The quality is daebak, I'm looking forward the choreography video 

6. Oh the MV is so cool. The song and the choreography suit it too. I feel like this is the best reponse he's gotten of all the songs so far? I've always been interested in Kang Daniel but I watched the MV until the end this time 

7. The MV, the song and the quality are all there

8. You can tell he worked hard, I want to applaud him. Let's walk on the flowery path 

9. He genuinely wanted to make this look cool wow.... I feel like Kang Daniel is starting to develop his music more and more 

10. Kang Daniel suits concepts like these the best


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