Monday, 22 March 2021


“whoever thought of the #lovestay (=Hyunjin) hashtag is a great person”

This same member once attacked Woojin, who withdrew due to personal reasons in 2019.

"Last year.... a lot of things happened.

But you know what, if I can talk about it, what should I say.... It's ok if someone makes a mistake. For real. 
But because this mistake can affect greatly yourself and the people around you, you always have to be careful. 
Uhm... I know someone who has to face a huge consequence because of a mistake he made. 
But actually, because of this person's mistakes, it really affected negatively the people around him.
If you make a promise with a team or anyone around you, you need to be responsible and really keep those promises.
So.... Of course everyone makes mistakes in their lives, so it's ok to make mistakes, but I need to always think about the people around me and my future, dreams and the things I want to do before I act.
Because my actions and decisions can become a big turning point in your life...
So if you're not able to do that, then it's a bit... of a treason... That's how I feel... It means that you are really selfish so...
I can't really talk about this in detail but our STAYs know what I'm talking about... so.... it's ok to make mistakes in your life but always... I don't know, you need to always think about the people around you
For sure, my self is also important but... it's just... In this field, it's a place where a lot of people need to cooperate together right?
So I think that it's important to act while always thinking about others...
STAYs will know what I'm talking about, they know what I mean..."

It's something behind a normal person's comprehension

original post: here

1. The level of this group tsk tsk

2. Its delusional and immature to think that he's doing this for loyalty. It will be of better help not to mention him during his reflection time

3. Is he looking for hate?ㅋ

4. At this point, they will become a school violence group ㅋㅋ is he supporting a school violence kid?

5. (((Bang Chan)))

6. Birds of a feather

7. He was being too much on that other member. Is he discriminating between them because of their difference in popularity?

8. This is all Hwang Hyunjin's fault. Why is he not  withdrawing? Why are the members getting hate?... ha....

9. He's acting too reckless

10. Sigh... Stray Kids, find strength

11. Why are people saying that the antis are doing this? I really hate this too

12. #hakpokout (T/N: hakpok = school violence)

13. Look at his hypocrisy... so reckless


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