Monday, 11 October 2021


"His name is Oliver Tree and he's the kid who sang Life Goes On. He put his picture on that second picture and uploaded the video on YT. Seriously, he has no f*cking tact"

His first apology

And 2nd apology

original post: here

1. What did I just read????? How dare he talk like this about Jonghyun??? Does he really wanna die???????????

2. F*ck, who is this f*cker? His head is so empty. I hope he lives the rest of his life in pain

3. Oliver Tree... I'll remember youㅇㅇ

4. Wow... with this personality, he must've given up on being human

5. He did upload an apology but since it's an Insta story, it will be gone in 24 hours and nobody will know about it

6. We have to report his Insta account too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. His karma will get him back

8. I definitely won't listen to Oliver tree ever again

9. He's the kid who sang Life Goes On, that song that always plays on TikTok?

10. He seriously doesn't seem human... I hope that his karma gets to him and he regrets it


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