Monday, 11 October 2021


(Girls Planet999's category) 
- How can I kill that Sunmi b*tch?ㅋㅋㅋ

- Sunmi-yah don't release any albums, I'll f*cking swear in real time on Melon the moment you drop it 
> ㅋㅋㅋ  She has no aura, she'll be f*cking offended
> Crazy possessed b*tchㅋㅋㅋ

"What did I do what was so wrong?"

"Which part made you want to hate seeing my face so much that you wanted to kill me? Was it because of what I said about the judging criterias in episode 1? I've made effort in order to talk about more relatable things by monitoring myself until now, I've always been sincere in every moment in order to give/teach something to these friends (contestants)

"Please support the contestants more"

"What can I do?"

original post: here

1. Even when I search for my bias on DC, the words used there are too harsh. We need to sue DC

2. Theqoo is no different, I've never watched this show, but you guys are always releasing hate posts about her even here, do you even remember you f*ckers?

3. Those f*ckers should kill themselves first

4. Protect Sunmi!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Sunmi doesn't get hurt and sue those crazy f*ckers

5. These haters have existed ever since Produce..ㅋㅋ They would swear at the judge whenever they don't give good critics to the people they likeㅋㅋ I can understand Sunmi's point of view, but it would be better for her to just ignore them. And just sue them 

6. I didn't know even Sunmi has haters? She never got into a controversy and is always working hard, so why... Is it just because people didn't like the critic she gave in the audition program?

7. Ah please cut it down a bit and go live real life, you guys are crazy 

8. I don't even visit DC gallery but when I search her name those results appearㅠㅠ Celebrities don't have to even visit DC gallery, if they Google their names or search on Naver, there
s a high probability that they'll end up finding their articles on DCㅠㅠ I hope Sunmi doesn't get hurtㅠ I hope haters get their lives f*cked over

9. Those crazy f*ckers are all deranged, but that gallery has no f*cking filters and everyone is treated as a r*tard over there. It's not even a gallery at this point, it's just a dumpster

10. There were critics from her that I didn't agree with but these words are way too harsh...


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