Saturday, 15 February 2020


Hyunbin and Hyeri acted in 'Hyde, Jekyll, Me' together

Hyeri was asked about who her ideal type was
and she didn't even hesitate 1 second and said it was Hyunbin

She was so shy on set that she couldn't even meet eyes with himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"There was a scene where I had to cry as soon as I headlocked him, and I found it hard.
Hyunbin sunbae-nim helped me a lot.
Especially for getting emotional.
Sunbae-nim asked me 'would you cry if you saw someone cry?'
and he cried for me.
I was seriously surprised. I respect him"

Hyeri who was having a hard time because she couldn't cry

So Hyunbin sat down and looked at her and said "do you cry if you see someone cry? Then, I'll cry"

By the way, that was his face at that time

post response:
original post: here

1. [+306, -2]
The situation indeed was hard to actㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ crying after giving a headlock?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+143, -2]
Isn't that crazy? Why is he so sweet?ㅋㅋㅋㅜㅜ

3. [+125, -4]
She must have not wanted to appear ugly when crying in front of a face like that ㅠ

4. [+68, 0]
Hyunbin must film a romantic comedy once or twice a year, this must be mandatory

5. [+54, -55]
Hyunbin is freaking best friends with Joo Jinmo and Jang Donggun though.. he's just good at flirting with women... just seeing this, you can tell that he's flirting. Kids all like him

6. [+40, -3]
Hyunbin has such nice manners.. he's the personification of "gentle"

7. [+30, -1]
It's seriously awkward to call them "close". There's no scandal surrounding him yet so don't make up your conclusions

"Journalist Choi Jungah who read through the 688 messages sent by Joo Jinmo,
"There's no content alluding to Hyunbin so the fans can rest assured""


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