Saturday, 15 February 2020


In my opinion, the legendary RPS in the idols industry is Yoonjae (Yunho + Jaejoong)
At this time, there were really over 800K people who had this gif

I'll spare you the detailed explanation, but just seeing the way they look at each other, you understand why they were so legendary 

This is the most recent edit of them it just shows how amazing they were back them. I'm not talking about idol ships of nowadays were only a few fan of the fandom ships people together, but 99.9% of all Cassiopeia believed in Yoonjaeㅋㅋㅋ

There were also lots of fansites who shot pictures of them together. And even in 2011 there were groups of people who were Yoonjae shippers who would stick together in their concerts

post response:
original post: here

1. [+122, -3]
I was a Yoonjae shipper and the gifs and pictures that OP chose are really tame

2. [+94, -6]
SM aside, the gay business performances were so encouraged and it was a fact. When they debuted, they did a variety drama where Yunho was Jaejoong's stalker. 2000's idol industry was different from right now, the companies would push RPS so severely that the fanfics was a core factor of the OT5 TVXQ promotions

3. [+93, -3]
How did you not include this..?

4. [+77, -4]
Upvote if you know what "Mawang", "Gashiyeon" and "21st Century Little Maid"

5. [+66, -0] 
Their visual combination was so goodㅋㅋ The sharp and manly one who's tall and has a big built + pale and fox-looking pretty boy = that's their vibeㅋㅋㅋ And the way that Jung Yunho acted like a fool next to Kim Jaejoong really instilled all those "love fool" fanfics. And because of their visuals, they were so popularㅋㅋ This RPS was the top but the fanfics were so high quality that you could just change their names and you can easily make a good movie with them 


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