Saturday, 15 February 2020


Not in particular order
1. Misogyny
2. In a relationship with boyfriend/girlfriend
3. Fans hate (t/n: acting like they hate fans)
4. School violence
5. Smoking, drinking underage
6. Frequent club goer
7. Personality scandal
What do you hate the most?

post response:
[+20, -7]
original post: here
1. [+273, -4]
Girlfriend, wedding, pre-marital pregnancy that 3 combination is daebak. I had experience with it and it's freaking amazing. Even though I knew he had a girlfriend long time ago... This is the most extreme of the controversies in my opinion 

2. [+248, ,-3]
Nothing beats being called a baby's dad because of pregnancy 

3. [+222, -2]
I can't forgive someone who was once a bully. You can clean all you want and even if it's stuff from the past, I just get so turned off and misogyny as well ㅇㅇ  I will be turned off

4. [+78, -1]
That one f*cker who abandoned his pet was seriously legendary..

5. [+51, -1]
I feel like misogyny is something that the society is trying to change right now, so I can understand the mindset they had in the past. But going forward, I will not tolerate severe misogyny and I would just quit the fandom 

6. [+45, -0]
Girlfriend + marriage + pre-marital pregnancy, is there anything worse than that;; You have to see how deceptive this is to the fans

7. [+42, -0]
Kim Jongdae those 3 words are controversial 

8. [+42,- 1]
Criminals are the top for me, seriously f*ck why would you do drugs?ㅋㅋㅋ Drugs, murder, assault.. Even school violence is just hopeless


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