Wednesday, April 15, 2015


It's already been one year since the ferry accident and my heart still aches
last year, Gong Chan wrote a letter by hand to one of the victim of the Sewol ferry
she was a BANA

the post was shared on facebook
even though it happened last year, my tears are still falling

T/N: I received it yesterday
since my dongsaeng really liked B1A4, they not only sent a thank you message but also 2 signed albums. I'm so grateful, I hope they know how grateful I am

here's the letter's content:

Hello Yoonmin-ie? 
it's me oppa, Gongchan oppa. 
Are you happy in the skies?

I received the news from your unnie and I know I'm kinda late
Actually oppa don't write letters to his fans so I have no idea about how it'll turn out
I'm not sure how am I supposed to start this

That day Yoonminie and her friends went to the school outing while listening to our songs, 
I’m so thankful but my heart feels sorry too

As a citizen of Republic of Korea I’m really sorry for the fact that I wasn't able to do anything, I'm sorry

Since you're in heaven now, let's forget about all the pain you've experienced, but treasure those good memories you had with your unnie and your family
and I wish that your dreams are fulfilled where you are

because Yoonminie gave us so much love, oppa too, I will keep you precious in my heart, 
I will work hard and treasure you in my my heart so that Yoominie who is looking at me from the heavens can recall the good memories.

always stay happy in the skies
my precious fan BANA Yoonmin.
From B1A4 Gongchan Oppa

after that, he made a yellow ribbon himself and wore it directly when they went on music programs

I seriously burst out crying when I read thisㅠㅠㅠㅠ
when he wrote "Actually oppa don't write letters to his fans so I have no idea about how it'll turn out
I'm not sure how am I supposed to start this"

seriously, let's not forget

post response:

ㅋㅋ |2015.04.16 01:21
I'm another group's fan, but when I saw this photo, I saved it, B1A4 continuously wore the yellow ribbon unlike the other idols, they're seriously cool

바나 |2015.04.16 01:35
they were the only one who wore the memorial flower for Shin HaeChul nimㅠㅠ anyways, since it's Sewols anniversary, I'm feeling downㅠㅠ

ㅇㅇ |2015.04.15 22:54
it was last year's event, but I'm still sad looking at it. he wrote a letter like this to the fan without knowing the how-to, seriously it makes me choke

ㅇㅇ |2015.04.16 02:16
that's Sandeul's group? I'm a guy in his 20s that doesn't really care about other boy groups apart from the big3's group, but I can't forget Sandeul's name for the rest of my life, this group really looks like they're are full of generosity 

ㅇㅇ |2015.04.16 00:57
B1A4 wore the yellow ribbon in every ceremony they attended after Sewol accident, they really looked cool

ㅂㅌ |2015.04.16 01:03
so regrettable ㅠㅜ.. B1A4 have a decent image, their hearts are really beautiful

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