I'm a girl too but I really don't like the relationship between girl friends...? they act fake in front of you but bash you when you turn your back on themㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they just can't stand to see other friends do well and they have inferiority complexㅎ if you fight and it gets really serious, they won't even apologize, and they tell your secrets to othersㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ even if it's hard, you have to adjust your temper and talk "quietly", girls make rumors about each other. I'd rather be like guys and hit each other, and become close again the next day.. as for girls, even if they reconcile, they're gonna talk behind your back again. that's the thing I hate the most from being born as a girl.
"there's no solution"
"there's no solution"
post response:
original post: http://pann.nate.com/talk/326681863?listType=c&page=1
- ㅇ 2015.04.06 11:07
- it's not that guys' mouths are innocent eitherㅋㅋㅋwhether a girl talks behind your back or doesn't keep your secrets depends on their personality..
- 19413
- ㅌ 2015.04.06 07:55
- I'm a girl too and I really hate girls because of that, but if you look at it, guys way of talking is so cheap. I'm pulled off by them because they always swear
- 8248
- ㅉ 2015.04.06 14:32
- I'm a guy and guys talk behind each other's backs passionately too. I think that it's more depending on a person rather than if you're a guy or a girl.
- 401
- zz 2015.04.06 12:59
- guys appear so loyal to each other on Pann but I think it depends on people.
- 351
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.06 15:37
- there's a saying "birds of a feather flock together"...you should reflect on yourself first. as for me, I'm not even close to people like that.
- 301
- ㄴㄴ 2015.04.06 20:21
- as for guys, the scary thing is that in front of you they go "oh hi??~~" and behind your back they say nice things and talk a lot..... there's a reason why people say that guys are more sociable
- 262