"I'm the person who posted the post about The Boyz Sunwoo's school violence"
Hello, I'm the person who was in charge of posting the school violence post of The Boyz's Sunwoo.
First of all, I want to deeply apologize towards Sunwoo, the Boyz's members, the agency and the fans.
During my school days, I heard about Sunwoo's friends through my own friends and started to hold a bias and negative emotions towards Sunwoo. I decided to believe those words without assessing whether they were true or not. I misdirected my hate and resentment towards him for the past 5 years and I'm currently deeply reflecting.
After validating the facts, I realized that everything I wrote about his school violence, date violence were all rumors. It was my mistake for posting this without thinking about the repercussions that it would engender.
I'm deeply sorry for posting misleading information and I apologize for the harm that I caused to Sunwoo, the agency and his fans. I promise that this will not occur again and I will be supporting Sunwoo and the Boyz in the future. I apologize again.
To prove my identity, I'm again posting my graduation certificate

Sorry for causing the trouble
post response:
original post: here
1. [+142, -2]
I know that this broke the day before Kingdom, their intentions were clear
2. [+120, -3]
But I got so so hurt from the comments when this post first got uploaded... I knew it would end up like this, so many people were saying how because of the comments he's made before, this was obviously rightㅠ For me, I always thought that after that incident, he got a wake up call and changed. These were only rumors, but they still hurt
3. [+92, -2]
No but if that person is same age with Sunwoo, doesn't it mean they're also 22?? You're 22 y'o but you can't even think of validating what the facts are and posted like that; He got so much hate from that post
4. [+64, -0]
I f*cking hate thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you're really his classmate, then didn't you spend at least several months with Kim Sunwoo? However, that person decided to make a whole image of Sunwoo and almost ruined his career. Stop with that support b*llshit and just shup up..
"Thank you"
I'm not asking you guys to like Kim Sunwoo but please just don't hate him. He may look tough and immature, but he cries a lot and he has a lot of deep thoughts. He's good at encouraging others and he's good with words too. He always tells Deobies how much he loves them, so please don't say things like you hate him.. He's someone's precious son, oppa, grandson, friend, co-worker and bias, he deserves all the love he's receiving. Because of his image, he wasn't able to receive love for years and only received hate. It's so unfair