Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Are there no on who watched it...? I just watched it right now and it was so fun.. ㅠㅠㅠ  Go Ara nim is so pretty and her character is daebak uniqueㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  So refreshing bb And Infinite's L wow.. F*cking handsome.. I was in admiration as soon as I saw him but his acting was pretty on...

[enter-talk] IU'S MISOGYNY ㅋㅋ

First of all, I'll just say it off the bat, I'm a fan of IU and I noticed people blindly hating on her lately I stumbled upon people saying how "IU is constantly pushing the misogynistic culture" as a comment and I felt so frustrated that I'm here to write a post...

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