Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Are there no on who watched it...? I just watched it right now and it was so fun.. ㅠㅠㅠ 
Go Ara nim is so pretty and her character is daebak uniqueㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  So refreshing bb
And Infinite's L wow.. F*cking handsome.. I was in admiration as soon as I saw him but his acting was pretty on point too?!
And Sung Dong-il nim also came out, their chemistry is amazingㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
When he needs to be serious, he's serious and when he becomes comedic, I burst out laughingㅋㅋ 
It was just so fun

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 01:52 신고하기
The dialogues are so refreshing and the main female lead is someone who's modern and fits well with the society changing, she's not someone who's your archetype female lead so I like her. I hope the drama will be able to distinguish itself even more!! I watched it for the handsome Myungsoo♡

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 00:52 신고하기
As a woman, this drama is a revolution

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 00:51 신고하기
It's not my type of drama but I tuned in randomly and found L so handsome ㅋㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 14:15 신고하기
I had no expectations, I only watched it because my friend is an Inspirit and she forced me to watch it. It was actually really fun and the male and female lead's character and visuals are the top.. Please watch it. Today is a must watch too,,, The acting is actually good, I always thought that L sucked at acting..!

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 17:26 신고하기
When the chief prosecutor told her that her skirt was too short, she changed into a hijab, I burst out laughingㅋㅋㅋㅋ Freaking refreshing

ㅇㅇ |2018.05.22 00:52 신고하기
So proud of L's improved acting ㅜㅠㅠ The drama is promising! 

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